# Installation of McStas 2.5 on macOS ## Supported macOS releases * macOS 10.9-10.14 (Maverics, Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave) Fully supported, both perl and python tool sets * Mac OS X 10.8 (Partially supported, perl tool set works and python might...) ## Steps to perform * Download [McStas 2.5 for macOS](http://download.mcstas.org/current/mac/mcstas-2.5.tgz) and unpack it (e.g. double-clicking should work) * Open the resulting folder * Drag the McStas-2.5.app and the McStas-2.5-environment.command to /Applications * Run the Check-PY-dependencies.command script to check for / install basic compiler support and Python tool dependencies (right-click and "open"). Please follow on-screen instructions. * Optionally run the Check-PL-dependencies.command script to check for / install basic compiler support Perl tool dependencies (right-click and "open"). Please follow on-screen instructions. * Once the app and dependencies have been installed on your harddrive, optionally use the gui to make your McCode the default mcstas/mcxtrace on your machine: * mcgui (python) - Use "File -> Set as default" * mcgui.pl (perl) - Use "Tools -> Set this McCode as sys default" * Furhter menu points in the same place allows to configure the app to run the perl or python UI * If you need support for NeXus output, please follow the instructions at https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode/wiki/McStas-and-Mantid#install-nexus * In case of issues installing / using this app bundle, please contact mcstas-users@mcstas.org